Old virgin.net - email address I'm locked out?
Hoping for some help please.
Out of the blue I had a call from virgin yesterday afternoon saying I had requested a password change on my old virgin.net email address, which I have had for many years. (I do have an account with virgin & O2)
I explained I hadn't requested this and said I hadn't contacted virgin for a long time now. I asked should I worry about my account. They said no don't worry and sorry for the inconvenience. I told them nothing more as I was worried.
Almost immediately, I could no longer get into my virgin.net email account. I haven't rang them back yet as I know from experience that they can't get in to the old virgin.net accounts.
I am really very worried, can anyone help please.
Gaaz1 wrote:I am really very worried, can anyone help please.
I can understand why you are worried.
There are several things about your experience that worry me!
A common complaint on this forum is that VM technical staff promise to call back with the resolution to a problem but don't ever get back to the customer. So calling you back out of the blue about a straight forward password reset seems really strange.
Based on your previous posts on the forum, when you say that you have "an account" with VM, I am going to assume you mean a VM broadband account. If that is the case my advice would be either:
- call VM on their 150 support line - or it would probably be better to
- have a conversation with one of the VM Forum Team (VM staff who support this forum).
I have escalated your post to the Team and one of them will contact via this forum thread. They will take the details from you via the Forum's Private message facility and hopefully check this out for you.
Do not post any personal details on the open forum.
I hope you get this sorted soon.