- 4 months ago
Ive125 wrote:I can receive emails but can’t send
Based on previous experience the most likely cause is that the IP address of your VM home network is now on a "block list" and so VM are blocking from sending emails via email apps and clients. (That's assuming you are using a mail app on your iPad rather than the VM webmail service.)
The first thing to check is whether you can still send emails using the VM webmail service on the VM website. You can check that here https://mail2.virginmedia.com/ You should still be able to send emails from there even if your IP address is blocked. So that's a work around for the time being.
If you have access to a mobile data network on your iPad then try sending an email using your mobile data connection rather than your VM wifi. Your mobile data will use a different IP address to your VM broadband so if you can send when using mobile data that shows the problem is with your VM IP address,
If you don't have access a mobile data connection on your iPad, do you have access to a Windows 10 or 11 device? If you do, then here is a simple way to check if your emails are being blocked by VM so post back to confirm if you use Win 10 /11.
However if neither of those options are open to you, you can still check whether your IP address is on a Spamhaus blocklist
- browse to https://whatismyipaddress.com/ and note the IP address. (It will be a string of numbers in a format such as
- then go to https://check.spamhaus.org/ and enter your IP address in to the "Search single IP...." box and click "Lookup"
Your IP address will definitely be on the Policy Blocklist (PBL) but that is NOT a problem.
However, post back if Spamhaus reports that your IP address is listed on any other blocklists, such as Spamhaus' Exploits Block List (XBL) for example.
Post back with how that all goes for you.