Lost emails
My wife and I both have ntlworld.com email accounts. My wife lost all her emails a few days ago. Today I have lost all the emaails received during the last fortnight. I spoke to Virgin Media re my wife;s problem and they said it would be sorted out within 48 hours. It was not. Today as I stated above I lost emails. I spoke to Virginmedia agent for over an hour and he was trying various things which did not work and it seems to me they do not have a clue what is happening. Can anybody out there tell me what is going on and when I will have the lost emails returned and why the virginmedia agents do not seem to have a clue that there is a problem
Stephenmummery wrote:Following on my post last night virginmedia said I had been hacked and changed the way I accessed my email. New emails arrived but when I looked this morning they have disappeared!!!
I have two thoughts on that:
1) Personally I would be surprised if the disappearing emails are due to the activities of a hacker. Hackers gain access to an email account to use it for their own illegal purposes. Generally they want to hide the fact they have access to your account becasue they want to retain access to it. Deleting large blocks of emails defeats their objective. Also, it is odd that both you and your wife had your accounts hacked at the same time.
However if it is due to hacking then resetting the password is not enough to stop the hacker.
If the hacker has your email account already open on their device. and they don't sign out, , then potentially they can continue to access the account after the password and extra security has been set up.
To defeat that you need to sign out of the account on all devices. Sign into the My Virgin Media (MVM) account from here https://www.virginmedia.com/my-virgin-media with the user name of your email account. (Bear in may that part of the extra security VM have set up is likely to have involved changing the username of your email account to a non VM email address).
Once you have signed in go to the Account settings page, then the Security & sign in details page. At the very bottom of that page you will see a button to Sign out all devices.
When you click on that button it will close the MVM account and also close any open sessions of the email account. That ensures the hacker will then be locked out of the account.
You then need to repeat the same process for your wife's account by signing into the MVM with the username and password of your wife's email account.
2) Do you and your wife also use an email client or app, (such as Microsoft Outlook or a Mail app on a mobile device) to manage your VM email accounts?
If so, then based on previous experience, it is much more likely that it is something in the email app or client that is initiating the deletion of these emails. The IMAP protocol used by all email apps and clients will then cause the emails to also be deleted from the VM webmail account on the VM website.
"Getting to the stage of thinking about going through the labourious task of changin my email account"
In fact that would be a good step to take. VM stopped issuing new email accounts 2 1/2 years ago and since then new VM customers have not had the option of having a VM email account. Then in the last few weeks VM have began a concerted campaign to close down VM email accounts that are not linked to a live VM broadband account.
It seems that VM do not see the provision of an email service as part of their offering going forward. So moving over to a new non VM email account now at your own pace would seem to be a sensible option.