Iphone no longer displays contents of Mailbox
My email address ends in virginmedia.com. I have successfully used this email address for years without any problems on my iphone. A few days ago my iphone stopped showing new emails in the inbox with an error message “imap.virginmedia.com” is not responding. Verify that you have entered the correct account info in mail settings. So I checked this and ensured that the email address is correct and re-keyed the encrypted password in just in case. ( Even though I did not change any mail settings in the first place for this to happen). The mail settings on my phone are as follows:
Incoming Mail Server = imap.virginmedia.com, username = my email address and my encrypted password
Advanced, Incoming Setting = Use SSL is set to “On”, Authentication is set to “Password”, Imap Path Prefix is set to “/“, Server port is set to “993”,
S/MME is set to “No”, Encrypt to Default is set to “No”
Outgoing Mail Server is set to smtp.virginmedia.com (primary) which is set to “On” + shows my email address and encrypted password, use SSL is set to “On”, Authentication is set to “Password”, Server Port is set to 587, OtherSmpt Servers “smtp.ntlworld.com” is set to “Off”.
I can view the contents of my mail box on my iPad - this also shows new received mails and lets me send and receive mail between mail boxes - so there are no connection issues to my mail box on iPad.
My iphone is updated to the latest software iOS 17.5.1 and has sufficient free storage capacity to receive emails. I have good internet connection but tried to use mobile data but still get same error message. I also shut my phone down completely to reboot software - still same error message. I deleted my email account and then tried to re-add it with the result that I now even can’t see any of the previous mail content on the mail box, on the general mail box page it shows me 28 unread items as a total number against the mail box, but still shows same error message and won’t let me view contents. I honestly don’t know what else I can try to rectify the problem. Have you got any suggestions please? Please let me know.
Thank you