I just got off from a call being told that all my emails are deleted and my email account is finished.
It was an account I have had for 20 years and access daily.
There are hundreds of very important items amongst the items foldered away.
Worryingly for me and perhaps VirginMedia a folder of 450 emails that may be used in a crimibnal trial.
The operator offered an apology and no explanation.
Strangely unemotional in tone. I was flattened. It's been half an hour since and the full extent of total **bleep**-uppery isn't sinking in.
If this is true and, as told to me will happen to lots of other customers, I can't see any other outcome that a mass exodus of customers.
carlcarl wrote:I just got off from a call being told that all my emails are deleted and my email account is finished.
That may be what you were told but I would not take that as being "the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth" 😉
Virgin Media support staff on VM's 150 line do have a history of fobbing off customers when they find themselves faced with a complex problem. For instance, they regularly tell customers with virgin.net addresses that those accounts are now handled by TalkTalk! It's not true but it allows them to mark the call has answered and allows them to move on the next one.
The key thing is that VM do close down email accounts that are no longer linked to a live VM broadband account. That is part of the Terms and Conditions of VM broadband accounts.
If you have been talking to VM customer support staff it does suggest that you have a VM broadband account. You can check if that problem email account is still attached to it if you sign into your VM My Virgin Media account, that's the one that allows you to view your bills and VM package details.
Go to Account settings, then Account details, then scroll down and click on Manage other My Virgin Media accounts
You should see all the email accounts that are linked to your broadband account.
If it's listed there, then your account has not been deleted. Post back with the symptoms that caused you to contact VM. Some one here should be able to offer advice.
If it is not listed, then at best the account is at risk but the worst case scenario is that the VM person you talked to may have been basically correct. However, again, post back with what you are seeing that caused you to contact VM.
Just a tip, exact error messages are always useful rather than just saying "I cannot access the account". 😉
I am sorry it hear that you may have lost " a folder of 450 emails that may be used in a crimibnal trial." However, the lesson to take away is that all email services are designed as communication tools, not safe storage online places for extremely important documents. In future you really do need to have a back system in place which ever email service you use.