voyagerxp wrote:
I have my email that i was given when i joined years ago that i give to most people and sites and i have 2 emails that i only give to sites like paypal,ebay and so on for login reasons. One of my .virginmedia emails is setup to log into my virgin media home.
From your response it does not sound as if you have "gone through the process of providing a third party email address to VM" as mentioned by goslow That's a must I'm afraid.
You will need to be able to supply a different non Virgin Media (third party) email address to reset the passwords for each of your and email accounts .
In future all 3 of your VM email accounts will need their 3rd party email address as the username to enable you to sign into its VM webmail account. You will also need to generate a separate VM email app password for each VM email account to use as the password in your Outlook account settings.
VM introduced that a while ago to improve the security of their email accounts. That is why the Forgotten Password option is not working for you,
So, you need to do the following for each of your VM email accounts:
- Sign into the "My Virgin Media" account using the Ntlworld or VM email address and the current password for that email account. You can use this link to do that
- Once you are signed in, click on "Account settings" then on "My Virgin Media Account Details"
- On that page, click on Edit to the right of "Password"
- Follow the instructions - the first thing you will be asked for is to supply a non VM email address
- Once you have done that and completed the verification process you need to "generate a Mail App password".
Sorry if that all sounds complicated. VM email has changed dramatically over the last 2+ years since VM stopped issuing new VM email accounts. It's more secure but more complicated.