Email password change problems
I use Outlook 2016 on a tower computer as well as Apple Mail on an iPad to collect and manage my email messages. I occasionally login to webmail. Like many others, my VM email address has been blocked "for security reasons" and I have been requested to change the password.
I am a long-long-time customer of VM so when I first joined them you could have multiple email addresses, which I took advantage of. I currently have four, one primary linked to my VM account and three secondary.
I received the "security" message for one of my secondary addresses a few weeks ago, followed the process to change password, was allocated a VM-chosen password and all was well with Outlook BUT I have since been unable to log-in to webmail using either the old password or the new VM-generated password. I would like to change the password to one of my choice but can find no means of doing so as I cannot login to webmail.
I have now received the "security" message for another of my secondary emails - one which I use quite prolifically both via Outlook and webmail. I am hesitant to go through the password change process until I can fully understand the consequences.
So, my understanding is if I wish to continue using an email client (Outlook, Apple Mail, etc.) to collect and manage messages, I need to create a new password and change it in the account settings for that client. I will be asked to login in to the email address in question, click the forgotten password link and follow the instructions to change the password. I will be asked for an alternative (non VM) email address for a verification link to be sent to me which will provide me with a VM-allocated password. This password is then entered into the email client settings and all is well.
So, having done all that, how can I login via webmail to my various primary and secondary emails? There does not appear to be an app for me to download on to my tower pc so where do I go from here?
Sorry, several questions here - hope someone can answer all of them and many thanks in advance!
Each Virginmedia email address (including blueyonder, Ntlworld and know requires two different passwords.
- There is one password for the My Virgin Media account and webmail access, both of which require the third party email username as the sign in address.
- The second password is generated via the My Virgin Media account Account details page. This password is in the format xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx and is needed to access the email account via an email client such as Outlook. The username for use with email clients remains the full VM email address.