Forum Discussion

cally1201's avatar
Joining in
9 months ago

Email issues - sub account

Hi this has happened to me Im also sub account as my husband is main account holder, its so frustrating and Ive been trying for hours, I was on the chat thing but got nowhere as they wanted to know what date the bill is due and I couldnt remember or the telephone account password, its bloody ridiculous, as they couldnt help me because I didnt have this info, so now i have to wait for a letter to sort it out, we are on holiday this weekend , so it wont get sorted until we are back, im fed up with it.

  • I have a virgin media account and it has affected me, Ive been trying to sort it all day

    • Ilyas_Y's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi cally1201 Thanks for reaching out to us and a warm welcome to the Virgin Media Community forums. 👋🏼

      I'm sorry to hear about the issues with the emails you are facing.
      Is your email account itself locked?

      Is this what you are trying to unlock to gain access to MyVM?
      Let us know.

      Kind regards,