Myemailisshyte wrote:
I am having trouble accessing my email account. I have logged into Virgin media without any issue but when I select 'Sign Into Your Mail Account' i get the following:-
Your Virgin Media Mail account is currently unavailable
The options given to to fix it don't even appear on the screen. Why is my email locked ? Why is no-one fixing it ?
The instructions to unlock the account that should appear in the lockout message boil down to the following:
Please log in to My Virgin Media here > Click on Account settings > Virgin Media Mail settings > scroll down to the App password section and click the Generate new App password button.
You should get a pop up message asking you to verify yourself. If you've already set up your My VM log in with a 3rd party email address then you'll be sent a one time passcode to enter on the next page to verify it's you. If you've not set that up, you'll be prompted to do that. Once verified you'll then be given an app password which will look something similar to: mail-horse-yellow-panda and you should note this down.