email account disappeared
I have two vm email accounts, one for friends and family, one for logging into websites, 5 days ago my primary account would not let me in, I deleted the a/c on my laptop and tried to reset it up but it kept telling me the credentials were wrong, so I went online to vm and changed my password then tried to reset my a/c up, again wrong credentials, so I contacted vm on 150 to be given a reference number and this Asian gentleman told me someone would get back to me within 24 hours or it could take 3 days, even up to a week? went to online to vm only to find I could not log in despite getting an email to my 2nd account confirming password change, logging into vm using my 2nd account I find that there is no primary account? tried resetting it up but it wont let me, been on the phone for 55 minutes before giving up and coming here, hopefully someone will be able to advise me, there will be a number of emails in my in box that I need to access but until I recover it that is not possible, all help and advice appreciated
Hi Conrail,
Thanks for posting this question on our Community Forums, I am sorry to hear you're having this issue with your email! We can certainly help with this.
First though, lets go through some things that may help -
Here's a link to our really helpful Email Management Site which may have the answers you're looking for.
Can we ask if the email you're having trouble with is your primary email or secondary please?