Catus22 wrote:
What on earth is going on at Virgin Media to cause this? Extremely worrying as these are important emails with sensitive information…
The thing is that unless you are paying a dedicated email provider for an email account with a formal service level agreement you are taking a risk that if emails do go missing you will never get them back.
Emails can disappear for a while host of reasons and not all of them are down to issues with the email provider. For instance if you use email apps, such as Microsoft Outlook or an app on your mobile phone, to manage your VM email then issues with those 3rd party apps can result in emails being deleted from your VM account.
Having said that, the VM email system has its fair share of issues. Personally I have never used it as my main email account. Also, VM stopped issuing new email accounts since May 2022 so since then new VM customers don't have the option to have a VM email account so it has an uncertain future.
As jpeg1 has said you do need have a backup policy in place, especially for important documents.
Personally, I'd suggest looking at switching to a dedicated email provider. It may seem an horrendous undertaking but it will be worth it in the long run.