Forum Discussion

Rippley10's avatar
Joining in
3 years ago

Why dont we have discovery plus?

why dont we have discovery plus. My hubby watches MotoGP,  24hr le mann, bsb, wsb, on euro or btsport, without discovery plus he only get to see highlights of some races...

  • Hi Rippley10, 

    Thanks for your post and a big welcome to the forums. It's great having you on board with us in the Community. 

    We're always looking at ways to improve our services but as it stands we don't have the Discovery + streaming app available. All the Discovery channels are available on the Maxit or Full House TV package though starting from channel 250. 

    If we do bring the Discovery + app to our platform, we're be sure to let you know. You can keep up to date with the latest news here


  • Hi Rippley10, 

    Thanks for your post and a big welcome to the forums. It's great having you on board with us in the Community. 

    We're always looking at ways to improve our services but as it stands we don't have the Discovery + streaming app available. All the Discovery channels are available on the Maxit or Full House TV package though starting from channel 250. 

    If we do bring the Discovery + app to our platform, we're be sure to let you know. You can keep up to date with the latest news here


    • annorax's avatar

      I doubt VM will get the Discovery+ app now as BT Sports and Discovery+ have merged and they will eventually merge the content from BT Sports and Discovery+ into one app.

      • adhiren's avatar
        Dialled in

        Discovery+ is the app that BT sport is being merged into so Discovery+ is the final app. It's mostly already happened. 

    • NorthantsPete's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Not the same - those channels you have dont have catchup

      EVERYONE watches whaat they want WHEN they want nowadays, live TV is just a falback.

    • robtew's avatar
      Joining in

      Do we lose TNT Sports when it changes to Discovrry plus.

  • Same situation but with Speedway. Couple of these have gone direct on plus not Eurosport as norm. Recently got a deal via webteam email but only took it as previously chatted to CS about the Discovery change etc & TNT rebrand and told Discovery plus was going to be available. By the reply you got obviously lied to and stuck in a long contract with substandard package for my needs.

  • Roger_Gooner's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    I can get the Discovery Plus app on my Fire TV Stick 4K Max and you can add the Discovery Plus channel on Roku devices, so no need to wait for VM to get the app on its 360 and Stream boxes.

    • NorthantsPete's avatar
      On our wavelength

      yeah but what a pain, i have appe tv and roku but theyre int he cupboard as  this VM box should simply have an app if it wants to be THE box under the TV.

      IF i have TNT sport already, eurosport should be on catchup too in the TNT app

  • NorthantsPete's avatar
    On our wavelength

    This is a must

    For those who need access for now, you'll need either ANOTHER box plugged into your TV

    OR  if you have Amazon Prime you can subscribe to other channels within the amazn app (how innovative! Virgin missing out on profits there!)