The forum was switched over quickly but the current offering still seems to be very much a 'work in progress'.
Rather than it being a user/discussion forum any more it seems to be heading off in more of a simple helpdesk/ticketing system (with a corresponding reduction in controls available to users). The new arrangement seems to be optimised for mobile devices and on the basis of completing the simple task of a customer logging an issue with VM and getting a reply.
That said, IMO the present setup is an improvement on the previous version which tried to replicate features of the original forum but failed to do so very well.
Not-working things I have noticed for me so far are:
* No notifications are working (neither push notifications when logged in or email notifications since the switchover)
* Automatic following of a topic (after making a reply) doesn't work. It looks as if it is doing that after posting but when moving away from the page and returning the 'follow' has not been applied. Manually ticking the follow button is required.
* Not possible to post working hyperlinks (blocked by the new system). Only possible to post the text of a link. May be part of anti-spam measures gone-wrong. Also seems to be trying to so some sort of fancy self-title operating when using the insert hyperlink function.
* Many controls from the 'preferences' page of the user profile have gone.
* No access to past images under user profile, as far as I can see, and previously stored images seem to have gone (although I may have not yet discovered method for access if they do still exist)
* Edit function still no longer available (which is a big limitation IMO). Would have thought this could/should be made available to established users on a permissions-based approach either by request or by forum 'rank' after maintaining an established posting history
Current set of features available may reflect a change in function of what VM wants the forum to do IMHO.