Forum Discussion

erisdempsey's avatar
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20 days ago

WiFi plan not showing on MyVirgin account

I have had some issues over the last few months getting my WiFi setup due to restrictions from local council on works, however my initial order I placed was in October 2024, which was then cancelled as I was not able to have my WiFi installed at that time. In late November I then called the Virgin Team and arranged a new plan, due to start on December 10th which was then delayed again until today when my WiFi was eventually installed. However on the MyVirginMedia account it shows no information about my current plan and seems to think I do not have a plan at all, making it difficult as I needed to customise some of the Internet Security settings. Would I be able to get some assistance on this as the potential of never having my information on my account seems very inconvenient and I would like to manage the security settings as soon as possible.

  • Hi

    Welcome to the forum firstly.

    It could be as you were only installed today the informaion about your broadband is not showing on your aacount yet sometimes there is a delay for it showing,

    You could also check on your account your contract with Virgin Media what package you have from x date to x date.

    it can take a couple of days to show up in my account section.

    I hope this helps

    best wishes


  • Hi Erisdempsey 👋 Welcome to the community forum! Thanks for posting. 

    Sorry to hear about your delayed experience in getting installed, and now these concerns about your My VM account details. 

    It's not unusual to be unable to register for My VM or for it not to show all the details of your services and contract until you have been fully installed, and the first bill generated. As it's been a few days - please do get back to us to let us know if you are able to see the details you need now?

    In terms of managing your advanced hub settings you can do this a few ways, outlined here 👉 in the section titled 'advanced hub settings'

    If there's anything you are still unable to do, we can offer a bit of help with this remotely via PM so I will send you one over now, which you can find in your Inbox ✉ in the top right corner of the page. We can then return to this public thread with another update when possible. Thanks for your patience in the meantime! 🌞