Forum Discussion

tweetsaht's avatar
Joining in
2 months ago

Upgraded to 1gb from 500mb online gaming Xbox is worse

Hi there

So 2 months ago I upgraded my 500mb to 1gb

And online multiplayer gives me high ping and so much lag never had this problem with the 500mb connection

My Xbox is plugged in by ethernet cabling turned off and on firewall as I heard that helps but I still get so much lag on call for duty

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    What are the Latency & Jitter stats for your connection ?

    Once the test begins click on: Run full test to include: Latency, Jitter, Packet loss & Upload speed

    Share as screen shot of the Full Test results.

      • Tom_W1's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi tweetsaht thanks for your post although we're sorry to hear of your concerns raised here.

        We've ran checks and there aren't any issues on the line at present that we can identify, how have things been since your post please?

        Many thanks

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    The Latency and Jitter look OK.  For a mobiles there is a handy free app "Samknows Realspeed"

    For Gig 1 I had assumed that all were long ago on a 100 Mb upstream and this looks like a 50 Mb/s upstream.

    In the Configuration tab of the Hub 5 is the Upstream set to a bit over 50,000,000 bits / second ?

    Or it is set to just over 100,000,000 bits / second and there is some kind of a local service error ?