Forum Discussion

fizz's avatar
Fibre optic
12 months ago

Question about downstream values dropping after local maintenance outage

Just a question here. We have had some maintenance in our area today and I have had a couple of outages this morning. However, I have noticed my down stream values have dropped by about 3-4dbmv from around 8 to around 4. What would explain this and should I be concerned or need to take any action? Also pre and post errors seem to be increasing. I may have to obvioulsy wait until the maintenance has donw with tomorrow but the errors have actually been happening for a few days but I have noticed no affect on my broadband.

  • cje85's avatar
    Trouble shooter

    The ideal downstream power is 0, so your figures have actually improved. Anything between around -6 and +10 is OK.

    • fizz's avatar
      Fibre optic

      Well I did wonder that and I have an attenuator on the back of mine too I was just worried that perhaps I didn't need it any more for example 🙂


  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Drop could simply be replaced components are of better quality, or they have increased power for more users?  PreRS errors can be ignored, it's the PostRS errors that need looked at.  Wait until the work is finished and reboot your Hub for a clean slate.  Monitor the errors then, and if they mount up then come back and post all your power levels and network log for comment.

  • I rebooted yesterday evening after the work was confirmed as complete and have noticed pre-rs errors going up (the did not before for weeks at a time sometimes). I will reset again and come back but my power levels are a lot different to what they were to be honest and a bigger spread too..

  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    That's a fairly decent BQM since 12am.  PreRS errors are fine, as they have been corrected.  It's the PostRS errors that are bad.

  • Thanks adduxi. Looks like I am back to my problems after 4pm again. Had this for about 6 months and 5 engineers and cable repulls could not fix the issue. Keeping an eye on it as modem mode seems to help a lot for me. Will post back tomorrow of stats are rubbish.

  • For reference here are my figures after a reboot at 9pm last night -

    3.0 Downstream channels

    Channel Frequency (Hz) Power (dBmV) SNR (dB) Modulation Channel ID
    13310000003.738QAM 25625
    22670000004.438QAM 25617
    32750000004.238QAM 25618
    42830000004.138QAM 25619
    52910000004.138QAM 25620
    6299000000438QAM 25621
    73070000003.838QAM 25622
    83150000003.438QAM 25623
    93230000003.538QAM 25624
    10339000000438QAM 25626
    113470000004.338QAM 25627
    123550000004.238QAM 25628
    133630000004.238QAM 25629
    143710000004.438QAM 25630
    153790000004.338QAM 25631
    16387000000438QAM 25632
    17395000000438QAM 25633
    184030000003.638QAM 25634
    194110000003.437QAM 25635
    204190000003.238QAM 25636
    214270000003.237QAM 25637
    224350000003.338QAM 25638
    234430000003.638QAM 25639
    244510000003.838QAM 25640
    254590000003.738QAM 25641
    264670000003.538QAM 25642
    274750000003.638QAM 25643
    284830000003.538QAM 25644
    294910000003.437QAM 25645
    304990000003.237QAM 25646
    315070000003.137QAM 25647
    325150000002.937QAM 25648

    3.0 Downstream channels

    Channel Locked Status RxMER (dB) Pre RS Errors Post RS Errors

    3.1 Downstream channels

    Channel Channel Width (MHz) FFT Type Number of Active Subcarriers Modulation (Active Profile) First Active Subcarrier (Hz)
    1591904K3736QAM 4096148

    3.1 Downstream channels

    Channel ID Locked Status RxMER Data (dB) PLC Power (dBmV) Corrected errors (Active Profile) Uncorrectable errors (Active Profile)

    3.0 Upstream channels

    Channel Frequency (Hz) Power (dBmV) Symbol Rate (ksps) Modulation Channel ID
    04960000043.85120QAM 641
    14310000043.85120QAM 642
    23660000043.85120QAM 643
    330100000435120QAM 644
    42360000042.85120QAM 645

    3.0 Upstream channels

    Channel Channel Type T1 Timeouts T2 Timeouts T3 Timeouts T4 Timeouts

    3.1 Upstream channels

    Channel Channel Width (MHz) Power (dBmV) FFT Type Modulation
    61038.02KQAM 256

    3.1 Upstream channels

    Channel Channel Type Number of Active Subcarriers First Active Subcarrier (Hz) T3 Timeouts T4 Timeouts



    07-03-2024 21:05:25warningDBC-REQ Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
    07-03-2024 21:05:25noticeUS profile assignment change. US Chan ID: 6; Previous Profile: 13; New Profile: 11 13.;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
    07-03-2024 21:05:21noticeREGISTRATION COMPLETE - Waiting for Operational status
    • Daniel_Et's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi fizz, thank you for your posts.

      We're sorry to hear about the concerns you have 😔

      I've taken a look on our side, but I cannot see any issues that could be causing this. How have things been since you last posted?

      Please pop back to us at your earliest convenience.

      Thank you for your support Adduxi 👍


  • Hi Daniel,

    I didn't really have an issue just that all my stats on the downstream dropped quite dramatically and now I'm getting more prers errors that I used to. Connectivity seems fine in all honesty.

    • Matthew_ML's avatar
      Forum Team

      Sorry to hear this, how has the connection been since Monday have you seen am improvment?

    • fizz's avatar
      Fibre optic

      Now I am getting issues. Not very often but I am getting critical errors and disconnects occasionally during the evening mainly


      26-03-2024 20:34:53 critical Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;

      Also I am still getting creping pre rs errors. Before this maintenance I never really go any. My downstream do seem further apart now so 2 to 6. The disconnects are getting more frequent every day or two..keeping an eye on this but there has defo been a change for the worse since this maintenance took place

      • Sabrina_B's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi fizz 👋.

        Thanks for reaching back out to us, apologies for the issues you are having with your Hub, so that we can assist, we would need to bring you in for a private message. Please look out for the envelope on the top right of your web browser or if you are using a mobile device, it will be located under your profile icon.


  • well actually there was nothing wrong with it wo there was nothing to improve.. however I have noticed though that sometimes during the day my downstreams drop quite a lot and the pre-rs errors start but I get no descernable difference in service OR in my BQM just in my router stats. I reboot and downstream goes back up and all is well.

  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    The PreRS errors are not an issue, as these are corrected by the Hub, it's the PostRS ones you need to look out for.  As for fluctuating power levels, these can be affected by the heat or cold depending on the day.  If the BQM is good and your circuit is working, I wouldn't worry about it too much.