Forum Discussion

horse's avatar
Tuning in
5 months ago

Hub 4 with no RF Signal after thunder storm

Just had a thunderstorm, and after what seemed like a very close bolt of lightning, my internet cut out.

The Hub 4 said 'No RF Signal Detected', and eventually a red flashing light.

I had tried powering it off again 4 times. No luck.

I spent 90 minutes on the phone, being passed around to 4 different people, all just going through their script. Even trying to get advice on where the Hub backup / restore option was, was met with confusion and passing me on to someone else. Very frustrating.

Eventually managed to do a factory reset. Still no luck. The last agent on the phone was telling me she was sending data to my Hub and getting a response, but I don't see how that is possible with no RF being detected my end.

This has happened once before, is it just bad luck, or has my cable been installed incorrectly and this is likely to happen again?

Any ideas how I can get back online? We do have an engineer coming over the weekend, but obviously would like to resolve this sooner if possible. For now I've just unplugged the Hub and going to try it again in an hour or so.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Most likely a thunder storm has knocked out some of the VM network gear,
    are the folks next door offline too ? Go and ask !!

    Check for known faults in your street

    Call 0800 561 0061 – this is an automated number.

    Be sure to sue both methods.

    When a fault first occurs it can take some time for the outage to become a current fault with progress info and an estimate for services being restored.


    • horse's avatar
      Tuning in

      Nope, neighbours are still online, also using VM. There is work scheduled that starts tonight, but the agents I spoke to on the phone didn't seem to think that would be effecting it yet.

      So if anything, the storm has only effected me.

  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Call it in as a fault. More than likely the close strike has blown the safety isolator in your wall box, which a technician will need to replace