Hub 3 - WiFi boosters not connecting
VM media customer for many years with a hub 3. Had WiFi boosters which we disconnected when decorating. Plugged the large one in again and it started smoking and sparked! Got them replaced - 1 large and one small plug. Reading multiple posts that say these are old boosters and been replaced by the smaller pods, however I've got the old ones (Volt customer). Anyway, I have followed all of the steps (multiple times) and the boosters are not showing on VM Connect app. I've looked is as an admin and they are showing as green! I've reset the hub to factory settings and reset the boosters and followed the steps to pair again and they are not showing.
Daughter is using mobile data to toggle to her laptop for work and phone for browsing - only told me she's been using all of her data for months! VM Connect showing signal strength as 14 in her room, checked the room beside her and it's 26! It's better in every other room in the house.
Help - how do I get these to connect before I throw them out the window!