Can one of the Mods or anyone please help me? I've had intermittent faults going on for what feels like about a year. Had a few new modems, engineers out 3 times and starting to lose faith in the Virgin service. I'm quite a heavy user in that I have maybe 60 odd devices connected and do use a lot of multimedia and large files over the network. It feels like the engineers that come out don't really understand the router or what the error messages mean on the router status page and as for the tech support team, well I cant bring myself to talk to them anymore. The symptoms are disconnects maybe 10 times a day, mostly brief but a pain, on speed tests we seem to be getting dropped packets (between 2 and 5%) on every test when connected to the wifi pod, if on the router itself it seems to be ok. Speeds vary, latency varies. On the Router page I notice a number of messages from DHCP errors maybe every other day to "US profile assignment change" which sometimes happens 20 times in one day, always swapping from one profile and back to the same one. Last engineer told me this was nothing to worry about but I definitely notice it degrading the experience. Then, maybe once or twice a week I get the router resetting out of the blue saying "Because of Kernel Panic". So frustrating because when it works it's great, but the inconsistency of it is making me pull my hair out.
Feels like it's a router problem first and foremost, but interested to hear people's thoughts? Also interested to know if people think a business connection with Virgin would see a better experience? IS it the same router? I work from home so on video calls a lot which is another challenge as the dropouts are a challenge!
Can anyone help? And before you ask I've reset, rebooted tried all sorts. I work in IT so am fairly savvy although no network expert!
Any ideas welcome!