Help me understand unknown device due to merging 2.4gh and 5gh
Hello guys . I would like to understand something. Sorry I am not really knowledgable in Wi Fi but I just need to know the why and how about my situation . I had a brand new hub 3 router from Virgin after my old one gave up the ghost. At first in the first 4 days on my PC and anti virus app, only my router and my connected device were detected as connected and nothing unusual. I had my new password and new WiFi name set up as soon as I got the hub but I noticed that I had two connection listed on Wifi , one for 5Gh with the password and name I set up myself and one for 2.4 that kept the default router name and password. Obviously that was counterproductive security wise so I selected in setting to have only the 5GH connection instead of having the split one and it worked for about an hour but then my router resettled itself and somehow went back to both 2.4 and 5 but now it merged into one single connection listed on Wifi instead of split and it uses my new name and password, it now connect automatically to 2.4 or 5 depending on the device but it only have one Wifi listed. That is great and it is what I wanted . However as soon as the 2.4 and 5 became just one connection that shared the same name and password it created an unknow device on my Antivirus and PC that share the same IP as my router except for two 0 at the end. That unknow device do not shown on my router setting or Virgin app but that seems normal because router do not shows in there , just the connected devices so as this seems Router related it is normal that Virgin do not show it. However I would like to understand why that merging of 2.4 and 5 into a single connection seems to have created like a duplicate router to show up ? I was told by someone that this can happen but they did not go into details as to why ? Anyone understand why that happened ? Been over a month and speed is fine, nothing unusual just would like to understand why that change from split to one listed Wi Fi created a new device to be detected on external apps . Thanks in advance for any clarification on this.