Forum Discussion

Kaldeep's avatar
Tuning in
4 months ago

Ethernet Ports all of them stopped working on Hub and it keeps saying some one else is logged into my HUB

Since 4pm today Saturday 23/11 my VM  HUB refuses to connect any of the ethernet ports. When I try to log into my HUB it says someone else is logged in. Having worked for VM I know its their support staff who have access to loginto your hub and I belive it has been a millicious attack on my HUB by VM syupport team themselfs. Worst still when I try the automated checks it tells me to book ann engineer and pay £25 for an issue that is clearly VM related. Its redicolus. Where are the Regulators and the UK tradeing standards people. VM cant allow their support staff to meliciously attack users, log into private HUBS and then charge £25 to stop them. VM Its wrong and people will move. I hope enough complains will also lead to some financial penalty for VM. After tewety years I am now feeling better off with a start up then with VM. Sort it out you have the logs despline the person loging into the hubs. Good Luck

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    So wifi is fine?

    Yes VM likely can control the hub which if true no one knows at support knows about for plausible deniability but to what end? 

    A reboot or reset might make it work again only to happen again? or could they be blocked because someone detected some thing bad is happening your side?   


  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Only Rachel Reeves could have "worked" for Virgin Media yet failed to use the factory reset function.

  • Remove the cable.

    Reset the HUB to default settings.

    Log in and change the admin and WiFi passwords.

    PS. Suggest running a spellchecker before you post.