1Gig Hub5 Reducing buffer bloat
Howdy all hope everyone is well
So as the Subject says i am getting a lot of buffer bloat on mt hub5
Firstly Info for you- Using the 2.5 gig port (Hub5) to my10gig network port on my pc,
Have performed standard checks and tests however i can not seem to reduce the buffer bloat at the Hubs end,
Even gone as far as have only 1 device on there my wired pc and doing multipole Downloads - uploads in this config, Burst Dl,s and ul.s and single bigger files in both directs and a mix of files big small in both directions as well.
Latency Performance - Idel Average 20-53ms . Download Average 197-244ms. Upload 23-29ms
Every time getting a Result of F ,Context on this result is monitoring the results A to F,
A-best possible F-Worst Possible.
Running latest firmware that i am aware of at this time for the Hub5.7.6.15-2306.5