Forum Discussion

Sandy7c48's avatar
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7 months ago

V6 box not recording all of series link

This has been happening a lot but not realised until too late it recorded the first three episodes of sister boniface then gave up . Now has done the same with High Country on bbc2 did the first 4 episodes luckily saw not recording missed ep5 but fingers crossed it will record the last three wth VIRGIN MEDIA THE PRODUCT IS NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE !

  • newapollo's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Sandy7c48 wrote:

    This has been happening a lot but not realised until too late it recorded the first three episodes of sister boniface then gave up . Now has done the same with High Country on bbc2 did the first 4 episodes luckily saw not recording missed ep5 but fingers crossed it will record the last three wth VIRGIN MEDIA THE PRODUCT IS NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE !



    Hi Sandy7c48 

    I've moved your posts from the tech chatter forum to the V6 forum as your thread title indicated that you have a V6 box (the general chatter forum is for chatter and seldom receives answers from the VM forum team.

    Are you certain that you have a V6 box, as the recording failures would seem to indicate that you have a TV360 box (the one with the voice button on the remote control) 

    When setting recordings on a  V6 they normally pick up programs whichever channel they are aired on, however with the TV360 box the program only records on the channel you first set the recording from.

    So on a 360 box with High Country for instance, the first four episodes were broadcast on BBC1.  The next four episodes are broadcasting on BBC2. The TV360 box wouldn't automatically pick that up, so you would need to also set up a series for High Country on BBC2     

    The good news is that all episodes of High Country are available to watch on iPlayer.

    It's similar with the Sister Boniface Mysteries.  There are 28 episodes of Sister Boniface Mysteries available to watch on the U app (This was formerly know as UKTV Play) There are all ten episodes from series 1, all ten episodes from series 2, all 8 episodes from series 3, and the Christmas Special titled Star of the Orient.

    • Sandy7c48's avatar
      Joining in

      hi I don't have a 360 box it has just failed to record 2nd episode of whotstreet and only records if changed to record everything I have done a reboot so🤞 [side note ]does anyone know what happened to the 7th episode of the Turkish detective? , and have you ever tried the "u" app what a pile of 💩 adverts play over the top of the program 

      • Sandy7c48's avatar
        Joining in

        Apologies i thought you meant the mobile app  never understand why no subtitles though through tivo box

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Contrary to your suggestions of not being fit for purpose, this is where V6 has a major advantage over TV360.

    The first 4 episodes of High Country were shown on BBC1, the most recent ones on BBC2. Series links, by default, are single-channel ones and thus would not pick this up. You can alter a V6-SL to either record BBC2, or to record "all channels" which would cover this scenario at a stroke.

    Simply check your Series Link settings and make the necessary adjustments. You could also alter the SL to include "recordings & streaming videos" and the box should drop a shortcut to VoD into your "My shows" list, thus giving you an entry you can click on and watch as if it were a recording. And then thank the BBC for the mid-series channel change.