Forum Discussion

MatronJune's avatar
Tuning in
2 months ago

Unable to watch recordings - No Longer Available


Hoping someone may know the answer to this.

I have a couple of recordings that I can no longer access.  The error message is - No Longer Available We're sorry, but this recording can't be viewed because Channel 5 is no longer available from Virgin Media.

Any ideas?

Many thanks in advance.

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Are those recordings from Channel5-SD or Channel5-HD? And when were they broadcast?

    I can't recall the exact date, but quite a few channels went HD-only a while back. When this is done, hidden guide-data is retained to allow recordings from the SD version to be accessible for a period - most often 6months but it can vary.

    That guide data is eventually removed, and recordings from those channels will then be inaccessible. The HD variant, and indeed channels which don't have HD versions, are unaffected.