Forum Discussion

Trekker60's avatar
Tuning in
5 months ago

TNT ultra sound rubbish

TNT Sports ultra sound is absolute rubbish. From reading other posts this has been an ongoing issue for quite a while, where the consensus is that it is the responsibility of TNT to sort out. Surely VM is the provider that I pay for the service, so has the responsibility to sort out the problem. At times the sound issue is so bad that I switch off the channel. Does the problem look as though it will be sorted anytime soon?

  • newapollo's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Which VM TV set top box  do you have? /tv-fault/which-tv-box 

    The TNT Ultra channel displays UHD content. You've posted in the tivo forum, however the tivo box isn't capable of displaying UHD content. If you are able to watch this channel then it's also possible that the sound will be corrupted.

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Can you explain how the sound is "absolute rubbish"?

    • Trekker60's avatar
      Tuning in

      An example was this Saturday (5/10/24) whilst watching the rugby. Picture quality was excellent. The commentary gave me every other word, making the program unwatchable and switching it over. That went on for about 15 mins before I changed channel. That’s what I mean by ‘absolute rubbish’.

      • roy247's avatar

        Hi Trekker60,

        I have the 360 box and the only problems I have with the sound is on the football when the Dolby Atmos drops out and then comes back

         The setting on the 360 for the audio is "follow content" to get Dolby Atmos, have you tried different audio settings on the V6 box to see if it makes any difference in case your system doesn't support Dolby Atmos.


  • fizz's avatar
    Fibre optic

    I have been going on about this for nearly two years now and nothing has been done about it. I have two boxes one through tv and the other through an amp. The TNT uhd is awful with breakup and cutting out during events, adverts and when not actually broadcasting with just the rolling advertisements. Nothing has been done and I have been very frustrated by this in as much as you cannot exclued UHD channel from recorded content either as on the V6 it will choose the uhd over hd..

  • fizz's avatar
    Fibre optic

    to jump in here.. I do find problems in the adverts too.. it's not just the transmissions of the events (I only watch the rugby). Mostly you can clear it by switching to another channel and back. Also it is not the switch from program to adverts either. Seems to start randomy during the boradcasts (of either an event or an advert). For information this also happens within recordings as well.. which is a pain because I cannot record the HD channel it will always default up to the uHD transmission.

  • fizz's avatar
    Fibre optic

    Started 30 mins into tonight's rugby games. Changed channel and it fixed it... there is something triggering this either in the transmission that sends the sound processor screwy 

    • Gareth_L's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hello fizz,

      Thanks for your post. Sorry to hear about the jittery sound on TNT Sports UHD.  We are fully aware of this issue and have fed this back to the broadcaster. As soon as we have any updated we'll let you know.


  • fizz's avatar
    Fibre optic

    hanks Gareth.. it has been an issue for years... in fact since TNT went UHD and rememebr this is now a 'premium' paid for channel!!!!.. I really think virgin need to look at being able to exclude the UHD channels from series links..

    • Gareth_L's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hello again fizz.

      The only way to determine if it's a broadcasters issue rather than ours is for you to record a live event and play it back. We did chase this up with our product team and have been advised of no apparent issues between us and TNT Sports.



      • fizz's avatar
        Fibre optic

        I get it on the recordings too... as I have said (looking back) 6 times now... hence why I have said why can't we exclued the UHD channels from the series link...

  • Sound problems occur on Classic fm (channel 922). Not as serious as 531. However I simply press V6 pause button twice to achieve sync sound.  Classic fm problem has been going on for years!

  • This is one of the reasons I cancelled TNT Sport when my contract was up for renewal. For the last couple of years on and off there have been what I call micro-stutters of the audio on the Ultra channel.

    For months it was a known issue in the Nottinghamshire areas and they sorted it out briefly but it never completely went. All the usual posts about changing cables and settings never work, it's an issue for some people with the channel and nobody seems to want to sort it, so they aren't getting any more money out of me for it. It was happening for me (and my local relatives) on both my V6 boxes and one 2 different televisions, neither of which were using external speakers.

    Before TNT took over the BT Sports channels, the normal HD channel picture quality was excellent quality and much better than Sky Sports HD for football, but then the quality dropped to the same standard as Sky Sport HD. When it was BT Sport I would often watch on HD rather than UHD because the picture quality was great and there was no glitching on the sound.