Forum Discussion
What exactly happens when you try watching a recording? Do you have any specific error messages/codes?
Same question for Netflix titles. In addition - if you find a Netflix programme via the "Search & Explore" menu, and choose "Watch from Netflix", what happens here? It should load the app and shortcut directly to the title, except sometimes the first time each day you load the app.
The more info you can give, the better help can be offered - it may help others to replicate the issue also.
When trying to play a recording I get the following error message: Failed to play recording CS2214
When trying to pause live TV I get the following error message: CS2000 channel failed when trying to pause live tv.
Strangely my initial issue with Apps seems to have resolved itself. Netflix now loads and plays as does Prime Video.
Thanks, William
- newapollo27 days agoVery Insightful Person
Hi William,
I've moved your thread to the 360 forum. The error codes you posted (CS2200 and CS2214) refer to the TV360 boxes so it looks like you've migrated from the V6 to TV360 system.
You said, 'when trying to play a recording on the box in the bedroom we received the following: 'Oops we couldn't connect to Virgin TV 2.' TV 2 is the main box in the lounge.' Also 'when trying to play a recording I get the following error message: Failed to play recording CS2214'
This looks like you may have a main TV360 box in the lounge and a mini TV 360 box in the bedroom. The mini box is half the size of the main 360 box as it doesn't contain a hard drive, so all the recordings will be stored on the main box. If that's the case then the main box needs to be set to either Fast Start or Active Start so that the two boxes can communicate with each other.
Go to Settings > System > Standby power consumption. You have 3 choices.
Fast start - the 360 starts quickly but is less energy efficient
Active start - more energy efficient than fast start but the box takes a little longer to start up
Eco start - the most energy efficient and probably the one you're using. It uses minimal power but takes a while to start.Also if you do have a main box and mini box then the mini box only pauses for around 5 minutes. The main box however buffers for around 3 hours. To watch a paused program - On the main box press Record. On the mini box Press My Shows and scroll down to the end and you’ll see the name(s) of 360 boxes you have connected. Select the mini box press OK then choose the show you want to watch and press OK
If however you have two main (full size) 360 boxes then you can fine tune the recordings between boxes by clicking on the red Record button, then on the next screen click Advanced Options, then on the next screen click on Choose TV Box, then select the box you want the recording to be made on, then click on Record. That program will then be recorded on that box going forward, even if the default recording box is one of the others.
It might be an indication of a possible hard drive problem when you see the error message: CS2200 channel failed when trying to pause live tv. What happens if you do manage to pause live TV for a couple of minutes and play it back?
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