Forum Discussion

petemcarthur's avatar
Tuning in
9 months ago

Upgrade time box to 360

I’ve been sent a new remote for the 360 service and I’m slowly losing my mind trying to update the box. Follow the instructions to the letter it will either say reboot required or once it seemed to be updating but failed after 20 minutes. The box has been rebooted more times than I care to remember. I spent a fruitless 30 call to the helpline but the agent simply did not know what it was talking about.

can anyone help, please? 

  • The update should take between 10 to 20 minutes. Do you get any error codes.

    You could try turning off the 360 with the switch on the back of the box, then on the 360 box press and hold down both the power button and the + button at the same time.

    Then turn on the 360 again whilst keeping hold of those buttons for a further 30 seconds.

    The box should reboot, the power button will turn blue if it still thinks it's a V6 or white if the 360 update works, and it should reset and boot up normally.

    If that doesn't work you can either try calling Virgin again or wait for one of the forum team to respond which can take 2 to 3 day's.


  • The update should take between 10 to 20 minutes. Do you get any error codes.

    You could try turning off the 360 with the switch on the back of the box, then on the 360 box press and hold down both the power button and the + button at the same time.

    Then turn on the 360 again whilst keeping hold of those buttons for a further 30 seconds.

    The box should reboot, the power button will turn blue if it still thinks it's a V6 or white if the 360 update works, and it should reset and boot up normally.

    If that doesn't work you can either try calling Virgin again or wait for one of the forum team to respond which can take 2 to 3 day's.


      • roy247's avatar

        Hi peter,

        Is it working or do you still need some help.


  • I’ve tried switching it on and off at the mains several times. Only once did I manage to get the 360 app to run and it took about 20 minutes to report that it failed….

    I’m slowly loosing the will to live today and I’ll try again tomorrow. My big gripe is the time wasted talked to support where they obviously did not know what I was talking about.