TV 360 feedback
We get this issue too. We were downgraded to the 360 without any explanation or choice when our TIVO box died. The engineer just said he was giving us a new box. We weren't given a choice.
The 360 is truly appalling. So many features are missing, the interface is unfriendly, search is awful and often won't find what we are looking for and then we find we have missed a show. Now resort to doing an internet search for what we want to watch then scrolling through the guide to set the record.
It is glitchy, stuttery and unreliable.
We often get failed or partial recordings or it simply doesn't record something we know we set to record. Yesterday it recorded 43 mins of a 2-hour program, with nothing set to record before or after it on any channel, nothing happened to disrupt the recording, nobody touched the box during that time it just cut the recording after 43 mins. This is not unusual. Today I pressed record to catch the end of a show I was watching as I had to go out. It recorded 10 mins and cut off.
We are out of contract this month and realising that we are watching more freeview and streaming apps on our TV, its looking like it will be cheaper to pay for add free versions of apps than pay an inflated virgin subscription for a rubbish substandard box.
[Mod - title edited for clarity]