Forum Discussion

Ajaja's avatar
Tuning in
3 months ago

New to Virgin 360 first impression!

So, after upgraded  form EE rubbish broadband to Virgin 1Gb speed which I am very satisfied with. I decided to try the 360 box to compare side by side with my Sky Q 2T. Sky customer for 23 years.  

Initial though are brilliant, UI faster than Sky, it’s far more intuitive and less clicks to go around the platform. 

Live channels transition on Virgin is instant in comparison to sky taken 4/5 second to display the content. 

Also, voice command is faster on Virgin. 
There are couple of things that could improve, the home page main advertised content is static and cannot be changed or update more often. This should circulate throughout the day. 

The box itself is compact, but a dead front screen isn’t a good look. Virgin should allow for some logos to be displayed like. Recording in progress or WiFi connected, channel number , or time of the day, something instead of a black screen with a barely visible Virgin logo. 

The ability to see hard drive remaining storage. 

Botton line, only few days with this box and really enjoying the fluidity and ease of use. 



  • The thing is , VMs previous box  the V6/tivo was so much better and had much more functionality. This is why do many existing customers are disappointed by the downgrade of services. 

  • Mr_K's avatar
    Knows their stuff

    The thing is , VMs previous box  the V6/tivo was so much better and had much more functionality. This is why do many existing customers are disappointed by the downgrade of services. 

  • Thanks Mark. I am not familiar with the older box so have no previous experience. The 360 seems ok to me and on par with Sky. Perhaps more features could be brought back if many users push for the same case. 

    • newapollo's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      Ajaja wrote:

      The ability to see hard drive remaining storage.

      Hi Ajaja 

      When you go to Recordings > View All the page that opens lists your recorded programs. In the top left hand corner of that page you can see the percentage of space taken up by recordings.

      • Ajaja's avatar
        Tuning in

        Thank you! What’s doesn’t the play logo on the live channels banner means please? 

    • Tavis75's avatar
      Super solver

      Ajaja wrote:

      Thanks Mark. I am not familiar with the older box so have no previous experience. The 360 seems ok to me and on par with Sky. Perhaps more features could be brought back if many users push for the same case. 

      Unfortunately, many of the best features of the V6\TiVo boxes are patented by TiVo and VM\Liberty Global have not seemed to show much interest in bringing back even some fairly basic non-patented stuff like un-delete, which people have been asking for since the 360 was released several years ago.

      The VM box has gone from basically best in class with features you simply cannot get on any other PVR at the moment, to a pretty basic Sky+ style box with some apps (but there are plenty of cheap non-subscription devices that offer a wider range of apps, usually with better performance) and a gimmicky voice control.

      Previously we had features like Wishlists where you could set up automatic recording of any programs that matched certain criteria such as a certain actor or director, certain subjects etc. and even pretty complex stuff like recording, for example, anything with Jennifer Aniston in except Friends etc. which would usually even pick up things like chat show appearances etc.

      I'm sure the 360 is fine as a basic PVR (unless you have a multi-person household and have to deal with the issues of pooled recordings, or if your internet goes down and you want to watch something) but it's nothing special, so it's a shame that it's going to eventually replace the superior system.

      • Ajaja's avatar
        Tuning in

        Very insightful. I am just learning about  Tv360. Is there a way to remove the adds on the Home Screen? There seem to be stuck all day without updating. I am not sure why, but I find myself rarely going to home as if it’s has nothing to offer. 

  • Roger_Gooner's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    If WiFi is not connected you soon know as voice control, apps and VOD don't work, and playback of recordings may also not work.

    • 1701-e's avatar
      Fibre optic

      Just like the V6, apps and vod won't work if wi-fi down.  You can still watch individual recordings, just not where you have multiple shows from the same series link 

  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    In common with previous VM boxes, lights only show if there is a fault. VM is in a no win situation really, as some previous customer feedback criticised the amount of lights & the distraction it was causing.

    • Ajaja's avatar
      Tuning in

      Thank you. Since you are experienced with VM 360 what are they the best features that Sky Q can’t do?? Thanks in advance 

  • I quite like the 360 Box which I have been using for some time now. Never have a problem with it, great apps on view, easy to get around, was thinking of going back to Sky a few months ago using Sky Stream Puck, got the box with a good deal (or so I thought) and the box refused to work GGrrrrrrrrrrr. So, I sent it back got my money back and now got a new deal with Virgin for the same monthly bill I was paying before with Sky Cinema thrown in. Sticking with Virgin for the next 18 months at least. 

    • Ajaja's avatar
      Tuning in

      Sounds like the right move. Does VM have to open different media players all the time to replay content. Something I noticed that I cannot do with Sky is the ability to restart a live program on the fly especially in channel 5. 

      • Roger_Gooner's avatar
        Alessandro Volta

        For some channels including Channel 5, instead of playing live TV you get two options: watch live or watch from start (which VM calls Startover). If you select Startover you start playing from the beginning of the programme. If you want to know which are the Startover channels go to the Guide, select a show and you'll see the Startover logo next to the show's title if Startover is available.

  • I too love the TV360. The Startover feature is excellent and I enjoy having a dedicated TV Guide button. 

    The only downside for me is how slow the apps are on this box compared to pretty much anything else like my Firesticks or Roku boxes. 

    • Ajaja's avatar
      Tuning in

      Hi, actually TV360 is quicker than my Sky Q in every aspect, Certainly it can be made faster opening the apps.