360 box and Hub5 not connecting by wifi
Let down when TV, Broadband and Landline services with new contract starting 12 October suddenly stopped without my permission on 18 November. The package was Mega TV, Gig1 (with Hub5), 360 Box, Landline & Sky Sports etc. Virgin finally decided to issue new contract on 29 November. New 360 box and Hub5. After self- install, problems started, they are: New Hub5 with different SSID (name) took on the SSID & password of the 'old' Hub5 ! when ithe self-install took place on 30 Nov. On a scheduled visit by engineer today, he tried to do a hard reset. He had no idea why this SSID change took place. This initially reset the new Hub to the correct SSID & p/w. Within 15 minutes after he left, the new Hub change SSID & p/w back again. Also there is a connection error message by both ethernet and wifi when I try to set it up with the 360 box.