When is sky sports not sky sports?
- 12 months ago
Hi again garypjackson
Sorry, I misunderstood your last post < here> I thought you had finally made the switch and changed to a 360 box.
The tivo is an old box and is no longer issued to new customers. It does have problems with iplayer and red button functions. You should be looking at upgrading it to either a V6 or a 360. The V6 uses the tivo interface the same as your current box, is faster, has double the storage and more apps. The red button works on all Sky Sports channels, with the exception of Sky Sports Tennis. As explained previous posts, Sky Sports Tennis multiplered button HD streams (& additional interactive content) are provided by a different IP driven method which is only available on the newer 360 and Stream (horizon based) boxes.
So if you want that additional functionality which is available on the Sky Sports Tennis channel (and a few more apps) then you need to upgrade to 360/Stream. With Stream boxes you can only have one per property so they are unsuitable for multi room houses plus they don't have a hard drive for recording purposes.