Forum Discussion

nigelss's avatar
Up to speed
2 years ago

Unable to play back a recorded programme

I tried to watch a programme I recorded some time ago from BBC4 HD.

A message appears on the screen:

"Enter Pin

This show is from a locked channel (107 BBC4 HD)

Enter your pin to watch this show"


so I enter the pin and then I see...

"No Longer Available

We're sorry, but this recording can't be viewed because BBC4 HD is no longer available from Virgin Media."


which is of course absolute rubbish because I regularly watch BBC4 HD on my Tivo box and it is there for all to see in the programme guide.

What do I have to do to be able to watch my programme?



  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    The channel IDs for a lot of BBC channels were changed a year or so ago when the full regional HD setup was introduced. Virgin has temporarily kept the old IDs running in the background so any recordings could be viewed, which for the BBC channels is 12 months. With other channels it can be 3 months or with Sky channels immediately the channel is removed. When these are removed any recordings with these IDs become locked & are no longer available for viewing.

    Bear in mind that Virgin’s agreements with the broadcasters allow recording solely for purpose of time-shifting (ie. To allow you record content to view at a more convenient time). The recordings are not designed to be a personal archive.

  • Roger_Gooner's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    On checking my records I see that BBC 4 HD moved from channel 107 to 108 in February 2022. Any recordings that long ago are lost.

  • kittykat's avatar
    On our wavelength

    It''s really annoying, isn't it?  I had all these recordings which I thought would be saved for a good few years at least. 

  • Roger_Gooner's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    You can set your box to record any future broadcasts of your favourite programmes. Also, some may be available from Carch up.

  • Tavis75's avatar
    Super solver

    I understand why this happens but it is a shame. Had a couple of programs from BBC4 that I liked to watch again, one was a BBC documentary about Christmas dinner, so maybe will get a repeat if we have another Christmas before BBC4 goes away, the other was a Nick Cave gig, I'd quite happily buy it, but doesn't seem to have any sort of DVD or Blu-Ray release, so is now just unavailable (as is the case with a vast array of stuff).

    As we're going to be losing the TiVo software at some point I've decided to switch over to using a 4 tuner HDHomeRun box and Plex on Freeview (not quite as many features as the TiVo but better than the 360) and it records to my NAS so can keep programs indefinitely and even edit out ads etc. if I want.