Forum Discussion

Ashburnian's avatar
Dialled in
9 months ago

TiVo picture breaking up - again.

The picture on my TV using a Tivo box is constantly breaking up/pixelating. This happens on all channels, I had this problem once before and it was sorted I think remotely. Anyone know if it’s a common TiVo problem as it makes some programmes unwatchable. Have tried a reboot which has not helped.

  • You might need an engineer visit to check your signal levels or the box.  You can either call Virgin on 150 from a Virgin phone, mobile or landline, or 0345 454 1111 from any other phone to report a fault, or wait here for one of the forum team to pick this up which might be 2 to 3 day's.


  • You might need an engineer visit to check your signal levels or the box.  You can either call Virgin on 150 from a Virgin phone, mobile or landline, or 0345 454 1111 from any other phone to report a fault, or wait here for one of the forum team to pick this up which might be 2 to 3 day's.


  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Ashburnian wrote:

    The picture on my TV is constantly pixelating. was sorted I think remotely.

    Pixellated pictures on live TV are often the sign of a signal fault. If you've rebooted your box once, then there's likely a fault somewhere, so this will need VM to intervene. You're likely to need either an engineer visit or a replacement box, depending on what VM's remote diagnostics turn up - it's rarely something that can be permanently resolved remotely.

    Faulty TiVo's are now replaced as a matter of course, with V6. Same software but a much newer box with better hardware - providing you have VM home broadband.

    First check the automated faults line for any existing issues in your area that could be the cause: 0800 5610061. If nothing's reported, assume VM don't know about your fault and ideally you'll need to call them.

    150 from a VM phone, 0345 4541111 from any other phone - choose the options for "I have a fault with my TV service". Alternatively you can wait on here for staff to respond, which may take a day or so.

  • Hi Ashburnian 

    Thanks for posting and welcome back to the community. Sorry to hear of the TV issues. I'll send you a PM now to assist further.

    Best wishes.

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Received via PM from user, but posting in the open for everyone's benefit.."Thanks for responding on this subject it now looks as if the problem has been resolved remotely, I have also been offered a free upgrade to a V6 box so need to consider the pros and cons. I understand the V6 operates on wi fi only which hopefully would be ok as I have vm pods installed. I also have a 4k tv. Any thoughts if this is worth doing."

    1: If you have an underlying signal fault, it can only be resolved by "boots on the ground", not remotely - this is quite likely to return sooner or later.

    2: The V6 is an upgrade from a TiVo in every sense. It still needs the same co-ax connection for your live TV feed as your TiVo. The reference to WiFi is probably coming from the internet connection - the TiVo has this built-in, whereas the V6 needs a connection to your VM home-hub. Ethernet cable is always recommended if possible, but reliable wireless can suffice.

    It has 6 recording tuners rather than the TiVo's 3, supports 4K/UHD, has more in-built apps than the TiVo, and is generally much quicker in overall operation. If VM are offering you a swapout to V6, bite their hands off!!