Forum Discussion

gorb's avatar
Tuning in
2 months ago

Lebara - non UK mobile?

I am on the anytime chatter package for my landline that includes anytime calls to UK mobiles. Can you tell which mobile operators are deemed to be non UK - I seem to think it includes Lebara which is now a very popular operator?

  • A UK mobile number is provided by any licenced mobile operator operating in the UK, be in an MNO or an MVNO like Lebrara. All UK mobile numbers begin 07 (but not 070).

  • Apparently they use the Vodafone network in the UK so should be included.


    • japitts's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      roy247 wrote:

      Apparently they use the Vodafone network in the UK so should be included.

      Not necessarily. Yes, Lebara are hosted by VF - but they'll have their own prefixes. I can't recall off-hand if they're a full-fat MVNO or are using Transatel - but in any case, there's never a guarantee where MVNO's are concerned.

      I'll trawl the number allocations database and compare with the price guide tomorrow, if no-one else gets there first.

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    I think this doc below used to have some relevance (and the codes are referenced in the footnote of japitts' 'Everyday Call Charges' link)

    It does not, however, seem to have been updated since April 2020.

    From the footnote of page 3 of the 'Everyday Call Charges' doc

    2 Discounted and inclusive mobile calls are to all UK mobiles. This doesn’t include other services beginning with 07, such as Personal Numbering, Mobile WiFi, or Paging services etc. This also incorporates all calls on charge bands FM1-FM17

    So I think it used to be the case that mobile prefixes with the FM1-FM17 code in the 'Call Charges by Dial Code' document were inclusive on relevant packages and those in FW (which I think means the 'mobile wi-fi' category) are chargeable. The call charges for those codes can be found in the 'Everyday Calls Charges' doc

    Doc's and links above though seem to be the current ones but are a couple of years old or more.

  • Hi gorb thanks for your post here in the Community, welcome!

    To be clear here, it is any mobile that is operating in the UK with a UK mobile number (so +44 dialling code as long as they remain in the UK), regardless of what SIM they have.

    We do hope this helps and if you have any further queries please let us know.

    Many thanks

  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    I don’t think calling +44 numbers issued by Isle of Man or Channel Islands operators are included (Sure, Manx Telecom etc), but numbers registered to mainland UK operators & MVNOs certainly are.

    If you call a UK mobile number while it is being used outside the UK, you are only charged for the UK part of the call. The owner of the phone pays the rest of it as a roaming charge.

  • Roger_Gooner's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    A UK mobile number is provided by any licenced mobile operator operating in the UK, be in an MNO or an MVNO like Lebrara. All UK mobile numbers begin 07 (but not 070).