I think this doc below used to have some relevance (and the codes are referenced in the footnote of japitts' 'Everyday Call Charges' link)
It does not, however, seem to have been updated since April 2020.
From the footnote of page 3 of the 'Everyday Call Charges' doc
2 Discounted and inclusive mobile calls are to all UK mobiles. This doesn’t include other services beginning with 07, such as Personal Numbering, Mobile WiFi, or Paging services etc. This also incorporates all calls on charge bands FM1-FM17
So I think it used to be the case that mobile prefixes with the FM1-FM17 code in the 'Call Charges by Dial Code' document were inclusive on relevant packages and those in FW (which I think means the 'mobile wi-fi' category) are chargeable. The call charges for those codes can be found in the 'Everyday Calls Charges' doc
Doc's and links above though seem to be the current ones but are a couple of years old or more.