Landline number says dialled an incorrect number
... but I can't get through to anyone to get resolved. I have tried 3 times to get through to someone, but after waiting 20mins they hang up on me. I am calling on behalf of my elderly mother who has dementia and doesn't understand all the questions the call handlers ask her and she gets flustered. The call handler told me that because the line cannot be verified she can't help. I got a little bit cross and told her my mother depends on her phone as her health alarm runs through it and she lived alone and is vulnerable. The woman told me to stop being angry and hung up on me. I called back and as soon as I said my name I was instantly hung up on. I have been trying for past 2hrs to speak to someone. In the meantime, my 86yo, vulnerable mother who lives alone has no phone and no way of getting it fixed! Virgin Media you should be ashamed of yourselves treating vulnerable people like this!!! In the meantime, my mother's landline needs fixing. Can some please tell me how to do this. When we dial her number is says we have dialled an incorrect number. When we pick the phone up there's no noise except for a very slight crackle and the display says 'number in use'
I would be so grateful if anyone can help. It has been out of action since last thursday