Forum Discussion

Morte's avatar
Dialled in
22 days ago

Distorted picture only when watching recordings from Virgin box

I received a new Android tablet  over Christmas. It shows live TV fine but when trying to watch recorded programs the picture is distorted. The model is XCX using Android 14 and 128 GB of RAM .I have installed from scratch which made no difference. The old Tablet I was using still works fine I have checked the settings against this and they are the same. Thanks in advance for any assistance.

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Can you clarify what your setup is, here? It sounds like you're trying to in-home stream recording, on your tablet - is that right?

    If so - do you get the same problem when watching recordings on your TV box? Because the tablet is immaterial if so. Advice can be offered, but we need to be clear where the issue is coming from.

    • Morte's avatar
      Dialled in

      I am trying to watch recordings I have recorded on my 360 box via TV go on my Android Tablet  using WiFi at home. I can watch programs which are available to stream via the box but recorded content is un watchable due to distortion. I can watch these same Programs on the TV with no issue it's only on the tablet I have a problem. Hence the question on TV,Go

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Are you able to view OnDemand content on your TV360 box OK?

    And to clarify - you can pick any single recording, and it will pixellate on TV Go, but play fine on your TV?

    How about live streams of broadcast channels, on TV Go?

    • Morte's avatar
      Dialled in

      Yes on demand is fine both on TV and Android tablet. It's only viewing content I have recorded on the 360 box that's an issue when I try to watch it on the Android 14 Tablet.

      • Sabrina_B's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi Morte 👋.

        Thanks for reaching out to us, sorry to hear that you are having issues with pixelation on your Android tablet. Having read the thread, this does appear as a device issue, have you checked on the app settings as well as the tablet settings that the performance and the resolution are correct for the specification of the app in order to show the content clearly?

        Please let us know. 

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    The architecture of in-home streaming is <TV Box> --- <home router> --- <mobile device>

    As best I can tell, you've tested each of those individual connections and they're working fine. Leaving a very unusual set of symptoms. If you mention that your previous tablet works perfectly, this only leaves a device-specific issue.

  • Hi yes they are all set up correctly. However if you could confirm what they should be that would be helpful thanks. Oddly all other streaming sources work fine e.g Disney, Paramount.


    • Sabrina_B's avatar
      Forum Team

      Ok, if other streaming services are fine let's look closely at our app and your device. Can I get a full spec of your tablet, make model what version software as well as the version of our app you have installed?

      If you can drop a screenshot that would be amazing too. If you wish to do it privately by all means drop me a private message.