5 months agoTuning in
Can't rewind live tv after watching recording.
Just updated box to 360 and noticed that after returning to live TV after watching a recording, I can't rewind it....something that I could do previously. Is this normal because if so, I'm not impressed 😕
Thanks in advance folks.
I use a V6 so have no direct experience, however...
A V6 (running TiVo-firmware) keeps all 6 tuners live & buffering continually with upto 60minutes buffering on each.
A TV360 (running Horizon-firmware) only keeps the live TV channel & any active recording tuners running - the live one for (IIRC) 6 hours, and the active recordings for the duration. All others are idle.
I am fairly sure that when you view a recording, the live TV tuner also stops buffering.