Forum Discussion

lozcozenge's avatar
Joining in
2 months ago

Will downgrading speeds downgrade the Wifi speed, if the wifi speed is less than the downgraded speed!?

I ordered !gib broadband and that is what the router is reporting as its speed. 

But my iPhone wifi speed is less than 500Mbs even when close to the router. My MacMini is only 300Mb (in a different room). 

Other devices are much less further away. 

I dont think I will gain the benefit of 1Gig speed unless I cable up all devices in my house. 

Considering wifi speed is less than 500Mbps would downgrading the Virgin packagte speed to 500Mbps lower the wifi speeds in the house? My assumption is it wont but want confirmation. 



  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    If your getting 500Mb now then a 500Mb package should give you 500Mb over wifi unless VM do something stupid.  

  • If you use several devices at the same time yes it will degrade as you'll be sharing 500Mbps instead of 1130Mbps.

  • lozcozenge wrote:

    I dont think I will gain the benefit of 1Gig speed unless I cable up all devices in my house. 


    Do you regularly do tasks on your iPhone which require 1Gb of bandwidth? Remember bandwidth is not the same as speed. The actual speed is the same whether you have 1Gb of bandwidth or 500Mb of bandwidth. A whatsapp call or netflix stream, or other realtime communications will not perform any better. The only scenario where more bandwidth will help you is large bulk downloads, like Steam/PS5 etc.

    A single 4K Netflix/Youtube/Prime etc is around 0.04Gbps (40Mbps) at most.

    • lozcozenge's avatar
      Joining in

      No, but thats why I am thinking of downgrading because my devices are not getting more than 500Mb via wifi yet I am paying for a 1Gig service. So if I pay for a 500Mb service, I wanted to know if my wifi devices still get the same < 500Mb wifi they do now. 

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    What do you do on an iPhone that requires 500Mb/s or even 150Mb/s for that matter ?

    • lozcozenge's avatar
      Joining in

      Thats not the point. I am paying for 1Gig connection and my phone gets less than 500Mb on wifi, so therefore I want to know if I downgrade to 500Mb service if my phone gets the same < 500Mb wifi. 

      Sometimes I may download very large files and I want it faster. I am a web developer and work from home and upload/download speeds matter to me. I may not do it often on the phone but I might. I basically dont want to overpay for a connection speed none of my devices use. 

      • Ayisha_B's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi lozcozenge 

        With WiFi speeds, they can be a number of environmental factors impacting this so it can vary.

        We guarantee a minimum download speed to the Hub.

  • lozcozenge wrote:

    I ordered !gib broadband and that is what the router is reporting as its speed. 

    But my iPhone wifi speed is less than 500Mbs even when close to the router. My MacMini is only 300Mb (in a different room). 

    Other devices are much less further away. 

    I dont think I will gain the benefit of 1Gig speed unless I cable up all devices in my house. 

    Considering wifi speed is less than 500Mbps would downgrading the Virgin packagte speed to 500Mbps lower the wifi speeds in the house? My assumption is it wont but want confirmation. 



    Wifi is a really, really odd thing! When considering ‘speed’ it’s best to think of it all as a chain of connections - a bit like a bucket-chain if you like. At one end is the source server, and at the other is your device, iPhone, Mac etc. The connection is only as fast as the slowest component. Imagine a bucket chain with nine fairly fit fifty-year old and one eighty-year old with arthritis. No matter how many times you replace the nine with twenty-year old olympic athletes, overall, it’s not getting much quicker - for obvious reasons!

    So you have 1 Gbit coming into the hub, fine, what model hub is it? What iPhone is it, what speed does its WiFi support? For example if you have a Hub 4, then it only supports WiFi 5 which maxes out at a theoretical maximum link rate of about 866 Mb/s - it can never, ever go faster than that. Even worse, this is assuming an ideal situation in a chamber insulated from and and all external signals (I bet you don't live in one of those). Allowing for the overheads in WiFi, then 500 Mb/s is about right!

    Similarly the Mac Mini, it’s further away. WiFi signal strength falls off rapidly with distance - 300 Mb/s, honestly I don’t think that’s too bad.

    Bottom line, it’s down to the ‘weakest link’ in the chain; reducing the underlying speed coming in won’t affect the speed to devices as long as everything else stays the same.

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    If you are a web developer with large files, you won't be doing that work over WiFi on a phone. Your main PC/Mac will be ethernet connected surely? 

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Don't forget if you downgrade to 500Mb/s the Upload speed will drop too. 

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    As Web Developer you might have be expected the one to answer this question.

    I'm going for a glass of Bordeaux !

  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    WiFi speed and broadband speed are two totally different things. They are not really related except the amount of data on WiFi speed cannot exceed the broadband speed. My WiFi speed is currently 1921 Mbps, but my maximum speed of broadband connection is 1151 Mbps.