Forum Discussion

archercj's avatar
Fibre optic
8 months ago

1GB speed drop recently

I have had 1GB broadband for several years now and I regulalry check that the speed is what I would expect. and Virgins own online speed checker have until about a week ago shown a speed of around 950mbs.

But recently (in the last week) I am getting speeds of between 550-750mbps. Usable, but at the end of the day I pay for 1GB.

I've run a factory reset on the router but this hasn't helped. Virgins line check says everything is fine to the property but to fo a router reset (which as been done).

Anyone any suggestions please?

  • Thanks for reaching out to us archercj, and welcome back!

    Sorry to hear of the recent issues you've been experiencing with the hub.

    I've attempted to look into the hub for you, but it appears to not offer any results due to this seemingly being either switched off or suffering a recently fault that's resulted in little to no service.

    How are things looking at the moment?

    Have you possible been able to set up a BQM on the connection to provide any trace of the hubs recent performance?



    • archercj's avatar
      Fibre optic

      @Davis_Bn you may have inadvertently solved this. I ran a BQM only to be greeted with 100% packetloss all the time. I have the Virgin Hub in modem mode and use a Asus Zenwifi mesh system. On the Asus router I noticed straight away that Adaptive Q0S was enabled (I have never enabled this but I suspect when I was configuring something with my sons new xbox it may have been automatically enabled). Of course QoS can impact things so I disabled it and rerun some speed tests and now it is showing c950mbps again.

      BQM was still showing 100% packetloss but you have to enable 'respond to ICMP echo (ping)' in the Asus routers firewall settings, Now I am starting to see what I would expect within BQM (including no packetloss). Will continue to monitor but I am hopeful it's ok now.

      And thank you for triggering my thought processes with the suggestion of monitoring with BQM

      • Kath_P's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi archercj, 

        Thanks for coming back and updating us on this. We're glad things seem to be back on track now. 

        If you have any further issues, pop back and let us know 😊


  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Their likely is nothing wrong with your connection I would even say realspeed would show fine but speed part that check is where the network is at high load to give you 1Gb