Forum Discussion

Jamieusher29's avatar
Tuning in
29 days ago

1gb net but speeds always runs around 200mbs

I have 1gb Internet, had it for a while now. My WiFi speed is always around 100 to 200mbs. I do have devices connected via ethernet cables and they do run faster but why am I paying for a top speed and never getting anywhere near it. I can't run everything through cables, I have tried to contact virgin. Who did speak to me then never answered again after asking me to do a few things, was in the chat for over 3 hours and got no help whatsoever. Can anyone give me ideas on why my speeds are so slow. Also I have a pod upstairs which makes no difference at all. My sons ps5 runs about 70mbs, which is shocking.

  • That doesn't sound too bad. You are paying for 1 gbps to your hub, what speed you get after that is outside Virgin's control unless the hub is faulty. Wifi is never the full speed, even with my laptop two feet away from the router I only get around 300 mbps, and I think that is all I can expect. Distance, walls, furniture, all can cut down wifi speed. 

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    If your not happy with VM cable being cabled to the hub and your disappointed by wifi maybe look at a 5G mobile broadband.

    Or if you think you can have better wifi look to get your own wifi router and put hub in modem mode.

  • Hi Jamieusher29 👋 Welcome to the community forum! Thanks for posting. 

    Sorry to hear these concerns about your speeds and frustration about your current Wi-Fi Performance. As the community have already outlined, you won't see matching capabilities via Wi-Fi to a wired connection. There's loads of factors outside of our control which can affect Wi-Fi including the layout of your home, and furniture, conflicting signals, device compatibility, and available bandwidth on your network. This is why we only guarantee speeds of up to 30mbps via Wi-Fi as part of our Wi-Fi MAX guarantee. You can read more about this here 👉 .

    Nonetheless there may be a coverage issue which we can help diagnose and offer further support with - for example, ensuring that you have the correct number of POD's, best placed to optimise performance. 

    I will send you a PM to run some testing and offer further support with this. You can find it in your Inbox ✉ in the top right corner of the page. We can then return to this public thread with another update when possible. 

    Thanks for your patience in the meantime! 🌞