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gonilho2's avatar
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4 months ago

Samsung TV hdmi icon showing as Sky, help!

Hi all,

This is absolutely doing my head in.

I've got my V6 Virgin Box connected to hdmi 1.

When I first set the TV up, it showed the Sky icon, despite being set to Virgin Media.

I did something and cannot for the life of me remember what, but it did actually change to the Virgin Media icon.

I accidentally disconnected my hdmi port last week and now it's showing as Sky again now!

I've reset the hdmi port several times; set it to every Virgin service available yet it's still showing as Sky.

If my wife says "why does it say Sky when we don't have Sky" one more time...haha

Please help!

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    On the Samsung TV when you first connect a new HDMI source it will sometimes offer a helpful suggestion as to the identity of the source. 

    If it hasn't guessed correctly you can go into the settings and name all the ports to anything you like.

    • RMc2's avatar
      Just joined

      I had the same issue and eventually got to a solution.  My new Samsung TV called both the two items I connected to HDMI ports as "Sky".  As the naming was identical it was confusing to my family users.  The solution I found on the internet didnt work for my 2024 QLED model.  For mine the solution is:

      1. Click on on "SOURCE" on the remote.  A list of attached items and "TV" appears along the bottom of the screen 

      2. Use the sideways arrows on the remote to move to the offending "Sky" labelled device

      3. Press the DOWN arrow on the remote. You get then two options on the screen: "Set up TV" and "Edit"

      (on my internet search, press the UP arrow was the solution, but that didnt apply to my new model)

      Select EDIT and you get 4 options for symbols inside the device icon (word "SKY", Cable Box, Games Console &PC)

      After you choose one of these, you can then edit the wording that will appear underneath the device icon.

      In my case, For my first device I chose the cable box symbol and then went on to edit the word from "Cable Box" to "Virgin Media"

      For my second device, I chose the PC symbol and changed the wording to "Chrome Cast"

      It seems that Samsung had changed the Up arrow part of the solution to Down arrow for my new model.