Hi fogilvom2,
Thanks for taking the time to contact us via the Community. It's lovely having you on board with us in the Forums. ⭐
With the 1GB package, you'll automatically have WiFi Max included with your service meaning that if your WiFi falls below 30mb in any room of the property, or you experience deadspots, you can have up to 3 WiFi Pods to resolve this.
Unless you're having an issue with your connection, you would not be able to have a WiFi pod. These are only sent once full diagnostics have been done and a WiFi pod is the correct solution.
If you haven't done so already, you can download our Connect App which will allow you to scan areas of your home and will offer general WiFi help. If a WiFi Pod will help, the app will give you the option of adding this. You can view more information on that here.
Keep us posted on how things go and if you need further support, you know where we are.