Forum Discussion

Pippycav's avatar
Joining in
2 months ago

Cancellation of Contract- Awaiting Confirmation

I agreed to a deal for TB and broadband a few weeks ago with then equipment due to be delivered today (19th Dec).  Over the course of the past few weeks I’ve experienced shocking customer service from the company and have today been told that equipment would be delayed up to 3 days.  This is the straw that has broken the camel’s back.  I’ve this morning spoken to a Virgin representative over the phone to cancel my contract as I’m obviously still within my cooling off period.  I was informed that I would receive an email with written confirmation of my cancellation.  I am yet to receive this. Please advise as to when I will receive this before I seek legal advice. 

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    You are not in contract until the service is connected and working, and you then have 14 days in which to cancel without penalty. 

    What others have done in your position is to get a connection from another supplier and leave VM to bumble away. When VM finally connected them they concelled the contract and requested the statutory compensation for a delayed connection.

    I think they regarded this as a justified payback for the inconvenience VM caused them. 

  • -tony-'s avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    the 14 day period starts when you go live not when you order unlike some other suppliers - there was a post on here the other day where a customer?? could not cancel before the hub was connected - i have no idea if thats true but what is true is that CS will tell you any old rubbish to get rid of you and close the call 

    promise of emails with written confirmation may also be BS - it ended the call so job done 

    the best and safest way to cancel is to put it writing using a signed for service - keep a copy - if and when they ignore that and bill you have proof and claim compensation from the arbitrator

    regarding compensation you are due £6 ish a day from the date they gave you for install/activation - if you want to rub salt in it assuming they have ignored you cancellation request just let it run until they finally send you a hub then use the 14day period and cancel claiming £6 a day for their delays