Address not listed but neighbouring addresses are
Good evening,
I've been trying to resolve this issue for around a year. We moved to a newly built property and highlighted that the address list ends at my next-door neighbours property.
There's another 3 addresses (including ours) that are missed off the list of properties on this street, within this estate. The new build team a year ago highlighted they weren't aware of this issue as they had been informed by the developer of the full property list on site, though I highlighted there was clearly a miscommunication or misunderstanding, considering my direct neighbours property is listed.
To clarify, there is an VM Omnibox (coax) on the side of our property and I've raised this directly with the new build team, through the missing address web-form and lastly, with the social media team every month since February. Despite numerous attempts, they're unable to get someone from the field team to add the 3 missing addresses.
Thanks in advance.