Forum Discussion

hash70's avatar
On our wavelength
8 months ago

Virgin won't honour contract

irgin sent me this offer to renew my contract for £19,after inputing credit card details when I clicked on place order it kept crashing so I called support today and the girl signed me up to a new contract,she said her manager told her to put it through for £35 but applied a discount on it to take it down to £19, but she didn't applie the discount after saying she did on the phone,I noticed in the contract email a hour later they sent that it was for £35 and nothing mentioned about the discount to take it down to £19,2 hours later and pulling my hair out on the phone I still can't get this resolved,every one of them were incompent,I was hung up on,left on hold for 25min

  • Hi hash70 

    Welcome back to the community forums

    Sorry to hear of your contract concerns. If the credit that was agreed was a rolling credit, you would not see this on the contract as this is a credit applied out side the systems to correct billing. We can see on the systems at our side that you've since spoken with the team and have confirmed this for you. 

    Please let us know if you are having any further issues or have any questions at all. We'll be here to help on the community forums if needed :). 

    • spell's avatar
      Knows their stuff

      This admitted practice by VM is outrageous - perhaps OFCOM would like to arrange a team of forensic auditors to have a look at what goes off in the billing department

    • hash70's avatar
      On our wavelength

      They didn't tell me nothing,thatpsmwhy I posted here,they gave me a managers email to send a screen of the offer  for £19,Gmail has tried to deliver 4times now and it keeps getting rejected,they are giving me the run around as they don't want to honour the price,I'm reporting this to ofcom tomorrow 

      • Molly_T's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi Hash70 👋 Thanks for getting back to us. 

        Sorry to see this has still not been resolved for you. I will send you a PM to confirm a few account details so we can ensure that any hidden rolling credit is correctly active for your billing. 

        Just to let you know, if there's a hidden rolling credit, it won't appear on your contract or in your My VM account when looking at your 'package price' 👉 but it will show on your bills each month in the breakdown (Credits and discounts section). 

        You can find the PM in the top right corner of the page in your Inbox. 📩 We can then return to this public thread with another update when possible. Thank you for your patience in the meantime!

        Wishing you all the best. 🌞

  • hash70's avatar
    On our wavelength

    UNBELIEVABLE,I  give the hell up,I'm jst gonna phone and cancel the contract,this is beyond stupid,every one of you need to be retrained or better yet sacked cause your all incompetent to work in customer service support  😡😡😡😡

    • Cardiffman282's avatar
      Trouble shooter

      I sense your frustration but if the staff can't clear you on the information you have provided then I can't see how they can be reasonably be expected to proceed.