Trying to sign up to essentials, live chat going around in circles
I have been going around in circles for just under 6 hours today. For the past 6 months we have struggled with household costs, so have now been pushed to take essentials M50 (15 is a joke).
The staff have not been able to help, and the outside of UK agents were less than useless, with none of them actually listening to my issue, and trying to push for a sale.
I need essentials M50 and when I go to get it, the bot does not work. It takes my information and loops around constantly running through the same little bit. I have been constantly trying this afternoon. The last agent I spoke to even said to try in 2 hours before terminating the call, so I am not impressed at all. It seems like they you are saying - "look you can get it here, don't try though" as the agents do nothing, as you have to apply online.