Hi Mounters76
You should select options 1, 4 and 4 when dialing 150 from a VM landline, or 0345 454 1111 from any other phone, which should put you through to retentions (thinking of leaving)
They have better offers than the front line agents. Although you might speak to a first line agent to begin with tell them you are wanting to speak to cancellations and they should then pass you through to the actual retentions agent.
Do your homewqork first though and price up similair speeds/packages with other suppliers.
Also do you have an O2 sim, or are thinking of taking out a new sim deal? If So you may be able to increase your broadband speed to the next level by taking out a Volt deal. This would also double your sim data on O2.
It's sometimes cheaper to take out a landline and broadband package rather than a broadband only deal as VM give higher discounts if you add more components to your package. You don;t have to plug the ladnline in, but it comes in handy if you need to contact VM as it's a free call with you dial them using 150 from a VM landline.