Online help - useless or trying to rip me off???
Hope this on the right page....if not can admin move it to appropriate one...
Finally decided to renew my account as next increase would take it over £150 a month...........
I logged in and the first page says 'your contract has expired...We may be able to reduce your monthly price'
So, clicked on renewal deal and up pops 2 deals - upgrade speed for £120 or get wifi max for £120..
Selected the upgrade speed which takes me to what i'll be getting - Virgin TV 360, sky sports & Cinema HD, Mega TV, Phone line rental and 1GB broadband..
I have a second virgin box currently and that isn't mentioned in the deal so went onto online chat to clarify if it is included or would need to add it on........
cue online agent - I shall offer you same Mega Tv which comes with 220+ channels, V500 broadband with 2 Tv boxes, sky sports and movies, landline with anytime calls at 184.50GBP a month and it will be a new 18 months contract .
Me - errrr.....184 is quite a jump up from 120...i just wanted to know if the renew included the secondbox...............
plus the broadband is 1gb on the renew
Now....remember this it the offer that the website said, for existing customers......
Agent - Am afraid see those are welcome deals which are offered only once as a joining bonus similarly youwere treated when you were a new customer, The original price is 235.75GBP going forward consideringyour loyalty am offering you at 184.50GBP a month which is the best.
Me - I could literally click 'continue' and my new contract would be 120's not a welcome deal..itsthe offer that my logged in account is giving me.....
Agent - I am afraid, the contract will not go through, please refer the contract letter and the after discountexpiry price as it is not applicable for existing customers.
So, after this I kept asking why it was showing this on the existing customer page only to get 'new customers only!' repeatedly....
I have the transcript but as it's pdf i wont post it direct.
SOOOOOOOO......... is the virgin website giving an existing customer duff gen in the hopes that if it doesn't go through they will just take any new deal.....we're here to save you money as an existing customer, but will actually charge you a ridiculous amount more!
Is the agent trying something dodgy? An increase to 184.50 is ridiculous, but to say it would have been 235.75 is just downright robbery!
Seriously not happy with VM right now and would love to know what's going the renew right? Will it go through if I continue.........Is the agent right, in which case , I may as well not renew and I'll still be saving at least 30 quid a month, plus I still get free TNT (BT sports).
Could someone from VM who actually could find out what's right look into this please.