Not yet receive the refund as promised
I join Virgin boardband on 14 Mar 23 & move to a new address on 17 Mar 24. Virgin told me that I don’t have to pay for early disconnection fee because my new address was not covered by their network. I contact them several times through webpage & whatsapp for this issue & everytime I was told that the problem have been solved. However £278.1 was deducted from my bank account, they promise me that they’ll refund but up to now (19 Apr) I did not see the refund… Below is the summary of our conversation.
12 Feb 24 – Virgin webpage
Me : I’m moving to a address that Virgin boardband was not covered.
Virgin : ………Upon checking on your new address, would have loved you to continue with our services, however, it looks like the area you’re moving to is currently not cabled by Virgin. We’re constantly updating our coverage areas though and once we have fibre optic lines installed in there, we’ll make sure to get you notified. In the meantime, I’ll place a disconnection order on your account 30-60 days from now or on your moving date to ensure that no additional charges will be applied on your account once you move out.
Me : Thank you so much! I’ll receive the disconnection order by email?
May I know how much I have to pay for the early cancellation?
Virgin : As your account is still within contract, an early termination fee will be applied from the disconnection date until the end of your contract. The estimated Early Termination Fee charge is £311.12 for your SERVICES.
Me : I thought the early disconnection fee will be capped at £288 because my contract was prior to 4 Apr 23…
Virgin : As your account is still within contract, an early termination fee is applicable from the end of your contract, however I do understand you are moving to a property not serviced by Virgin Media and therefore you can’t transfer your services. If you can provide us the required documentation showing your new address within the next 28 days we will apply a credit to your account removing the early disconnection fee. Once you confirm, you will receive an email to your registered email address which will outline all of the details and required documentation you need to provide to us. Upon sending the documentation a correspondence will be sent back to you detailing the next steps………
May I know the exact date that you wanted to cancel the account please?
Me : Is it ok if I only send the Rental Agreement? Or I’ve to send all the documents listed above?
If possible, I want to cancel the account on 8 March.
Virgin : No worries, you will only need one document to be sent at the email that you will receive………
the cancellation will be effective on the 8/03/24.
Virgin : As a result of you closing your account with us, we will require your Virgin equipment back. We will send you our pre-paid packaging and it will arrive after 10 days of the services disconnecting to the forwarding address, for you to return the Virgin Media equipment.……
Your request has now been completed and just to summarise, your services will be disconnected on 8/03/24 and a bill will be produced on 10/02/24 for the amount of £33, which will be taken by direct debit on 26/02/24. A final bill will be produced once your services have disconnected for the amount of 278.10.
You will need to ensure the equipment has been returned before the refund can take place.………. About your direct debit, there’s no need to cancel that since we will do this automatically once everything is settled on your account…… Everything has been arranged for you now………
13 Feb 24 - whatsapp
Me : It’s about the early disconnection fee… Your colleague told me that if I can provide the documents showing my new address then the early disconnection fee can be removed… I’m not sure where I can send it electronically. Is it ok if I send it here?
Virgin : I have checked and I can see that there is £278 early disconnection fee on the account. You can share the documents.
Virgin : Thank you for the documents, please tell me if you are moving at the property where Virgin media does not provide the services?
Me : Yes
Virgin : Thank you for the information, please do not worry there will not be any charges for that. I am raising request to remove the charges from the account.
Me : Thank you so much! Please let me know anytime if there is anything I should do.
Virgin : You have to do nothing as of now, Please ask if there is anything else I can help you with?
Me : That’s all. Thanks again & have a great day!
13 Mar 24 - whatsapp
Me : It’s about the early disconnect fee, as our previous conversation, I thought the fee was removed from my account because my new address was not covered by your network. However I receive an email saying that you will charge me £278.10. Would you please let me know what to do?
Virgin : ………Okay, I have checked your account, and this amount will remove from your account within 3-5 business days.
I have escalated this issue to our manager, you will get confirmation mail for the same.
Me : Is there anything I have to do?
Virgin : No, you don’t have to do anything, I have documented from my end, this issue will be resolve as soon as possible.
Me : Thank you so much! By the way, to return the router, I did not receive the package yet, would you please check whether you’ve send it to me already?
Virgin : You’re welcome.
Please don’t worry, I am sending you the return kit, you can pack the router and deliver to the Yodel store or nearby your post office.
Me : Great! Thanks again for your help!
25 mar 24 - whatsapp
Me : Hi, I’ve just log in to my account & the latest bill amount is still £278.1, as my previous conversation with one of your agent, this early disconnection fee should be removed already… My bank also show that the amount will be debited tomorrow, would you please check for me?
Virgin : I have successfully raised the credit on your account of 278.10 GBP, you can expect the confirmation on mail within 48 hours.
26 mar 24 - whatsapp
Me : I find that the early disconnection fee was not removed as promised & £278.1 was deducted from my bank account. Would you please help?
Virgin : ………Could you please tell me if it was promised to you that the early disconnection charges will be waived off for you on the bill?
Me : Yes, I contact your agent several times & I was told that it will be removed.
Virgin : Yes, as per the process the charges were taken but at the same time it will be refunded back to your account in the next 14 days, and this has already been initiated. So, please do not worry about it, the charges will be refunded back to you without any issue.
Me : Ok, thank you. One more thing, I still not receive the return kit.
I check the tracking status & it say it’s on the way on 16 Mar & then no more update…
Virgin : ……… I do see that the delivery partner had technical issue due to which they couldn’t deliver the return kit, but is will be delivered to your doorstep in the next 48 hours. So please do not worry about it.
Me : What is the latest date that I’ve to return it?
Virgin : Once you get the kit you can return it in the next 5 days after you receive it. And once you return it to the collect plus store then, it will take 14 days for the delivery to be received on our end.
Me : To avoid any fee for me, what is the latest date for Virgin to receive it?
Virgin : No please do not worry once you receive the kit and the return process is started then it’s all a good. Make sure you return it within the next one month.
Me : Can I return it to your store without receiving the return kit?
Virgin : No, the process of returning the kit is by the account holder actually returning it through the delivery partner. That is how the process is.
Or we can have our team come and get the equipment collected for you form your address in 24 hours. Would you like that?
Me : Yes, please!
Virgin : ………I have raised the request with the team to come and collect the equipment form your address. And the team will be contacting you in the next 24 hours to arrange the pick up according to your availability.
Me : Since I’ve move already, I would like to confirm my new address. Would you tell me what’s my address in your record?
Virgin : I am sorry but I have raised the request with the team to call you who will be coming to the address you provide to them. As I do not see a new address on the account. Since the account has been disconnected.
Me : When your team come & collect it, is there a receipt for me?
Virgin : You will be getting a notification of your equipment been successfully collected from you.
Me : Notification by email?
Virgin : By email and message.
Me : Ok, thank you!
10 Apr 24 – whatsapp
Me : I did not see any refund yet
Virgin : ………As I can see that your services have been restricted on 08/03/24 so your refund will be credited in your bank after the 45 days of the disconnection.
Me : Last time (26 mar) your agent told me that it will be refunded in 14 days…
So the refund will be credited to my bank on about 22 apr?
Virgin : ………don’t worry I can do one thing I can share your documents to my manager so that he can refund your refund amount and this will be refunded within next 72 hours, will this be fine for you?
Me : That’s great!
Virgin : Apart from this is there anything more I may assist you with, please?
Me : One more thing, I receive an email today saying that there is another bills of £40. It’s for SuperHub Non Return Charge.
Virgin : I’ve send your documents successfully to the manager for the refund. Yes the £40 is for the equipment you have to return the virgin Media equipment.
Me : I receive your return kit on 3 Apr & I’ve return it to you through Yodel on the same day. Please see attachment.
Virgin : No worries if it has been returned once the VM team will get that equipment the £40 will be removed. Thanks for the receipt.
I’ve updated this on your account the £40 will be waived off don’t worry.
Me : Ok, thank you!
16 Apr 24 - whatsapp
Me : Your agent told me (on 10 Apr) that you’ll refund in 72 hours. I did not receive the refund yet…
Virgin : …I am sorry for the inconvenience I can see the 40gbp was not applied on the account I will go ahead and apply the credit of 40GBP on your account where you will get a confirmation mail as well regarding that.
I can see your services were disconnected and it is mandatory to pay the disconnection fee, can I know that you have disconnected the services and have moved the Virgin media to the new property?
Me : My new address was not covered by Virgin therefore your agent have promise me to remove the fee. However it was deducted from my bank account.
I’ve contact here many times & last time (10 Apr) your agent told me that it will be refunded 72 hours.
Virgin : ………I can see due to some technical issue the disconnection fee was taken from your account where I will raise a request to refund back your disconnection. Fee.
Is that okay?
Me : May I know when you’ll refund to me?
Virgin : …I am sorry for all this hassle. I have raised a request on your account for a refund of 318gbp where this will be for 40gbp for the equipment and 278gbp for disconnection fee.
Where the 40gbp will be adjusted on your account and the rest will be refund to you this time as I have raised a complaint and this will be investigated and will be refunded to you within 48hrs to 72hrs…….
Me : It’s ok if you refund within 72 hours. Since I’ve contact here for 6 times & everytime I was told that the problem will be solved… Are you sure that £278 will be refunded with 72 hours?
Virgin : ………I will definitely apply the credits for you please be rest assured where you will receive your refund this time as I have raised a complaint and as well the request to apply on your account as it was not applied last time……….
I have raised a request and the complaint as the refund should be applied on your account. The Complaint case C-160424449 you can have this for your reference.
Hope it will be okay?
Me : Ok, thank you!
18 Apr 24 – email
Virgin : Just a quick email to say thank you for returning our kit. The below items were received at our warehouse today………
Any charge for this kit that has been applied to your account will now be removed. Please be aware that any money owed on your account for services will remain outstanding.
18 Apr 24 – text message
Virgin : Thanks for sending our kit back, we’ve got it now. We’ll credit your account with any fees that may have been charged.
Up to now (19 Apr) I did not see any refund…