Forum Discussion

Rich12's avatar
Dialled in
11 months ago

My bill

Hi, after 18 months of having a intermittent internet connection and still on going I received a email saying my bill is over due.

They say they have email me and yet received no response, yes they have emailed me and I have made contact them many times.

Well in fact I told them months ago and emailed the CEO executive office 2 weeks ago, verbally told them twice last week.

I gave the executive office 3 working days to respond, they didn't, In that email I told them no response means we would not pay the bill till our problem is sorted with no added fees no restrictions and also explained why we can't be restricted. 

But in virgins way that does not mean nothing, you told me and want payment, I told you why but don't mean nothing, why?

18 months of the Internet on and off WiFi and hard wired 60+ technicians, 2 re,pulls full re,wire in and out the house, 4 new hubs, 3 new phones, and still the same, would pay for something your not receiving which should be, super fast reliable broadband will we have being paying for that in full but are yet to get it.

Fix our problem, we pay the bill, simples 




  • Hey Rich12,

    Welcome back to the community and thanks for taking the time to post. I’m sorry to hear of the issues that you’re having with your connection over the last 18 months. 

    What have you been most recently advised by the team about your connection issues? I have also passed this onto our second line faults team to get this looked into further, they should get in touch with you directly to discuss the issues further. 

    Kind Regards,
